For episode four of his brand new show, Star columnist and Spurs fan Azmi Sharom offers up a simple guide to the finer points of democracy with his usual mix of sarcasm and wit. – The Star Online
A somewhat idiot’s guide to how democracy in Malaysia works. Now a lot of us (me included) often take it for granted that every Abu, Raju & Ah Chong would understand how ‘DEMOCRACY’ should fundamentally work right? Well, perhaps it’s time we all take a step back & reflect on whether we, the Rakyat ‘REALLY’ know how ‘OUR’ democracy works. Sometimes the obvious things may not be as obvious after all. So we may think we know, but DO WE? Really? A society that takes it’s time to understand issue’s before arguing is a society that ‘Progresses’. Now, we learn.
– Dewa Tularr